Viewing the Azure SQL Elastic Pool Overview Dashboard

The Azure SQL Elastic Pool Overview Dashboard helps you monitor your elastic pools environment, identify overloading databases, and promptly resolve issues.

To view the dashboard, navigate to the Elastic Pool sub-tab and click on the name of the relevant elastic pool for which you want to access the dashboard.

The dashboard displays the following details:

  • Resource consumption
    • CPU- CPU usage represents the percentage of the CPU’s processing capacity being utilized by the databases within the elastic pool. High CPU usage may indicate that the databases are executing resource-intensive queries or facing increased workloads.
    • Data IO- Data IO measures the rate at which data is read from or written to storage. It reflects the efficiency of data retrieval and storage operations. Monitoring Data IO helps in optimizing database performance and identifying potential storage-related issues.
    • Log IO- Log IO measures the rate at which data is written to the transaction log. Efficient log IO is crucial for ensuring the durability and consistency of transactions. Monitoring Log IO helps in identifying issues related to transaction processing and recovery.
    • Used space- Used space represents the amount of storage space that is currently occupied by databases within the elastic pool. Monitoring used space is essential for capacity planning, as it helps ensure that the pool has sufficient storage resources to accommodate data growth.
    • Max sessions- Max Sessions refers to the maximum number of concurrent sessions or connections allowed within the elastic pool. Monitoring max sessions helps in understanding the concurrency requirements of the applications using the databases. Exceeding this limit may lead to connection issues.
    • Max workers- Max Workers represents the maximum number of concurrent worker threads that can be used by the databases within the elastic pool. Worker threads perform various tasks such as query execution. Monitoring max workers is essential for preventing thread contention and ensuring efficient query processing.
  • Storage
    • Utilization- Storage utilization refers to the percentage of the allocated storage space within the elastic pool that is currently in use by the databases. It provides insights into how much of the available storage is actively being utilized.
    • Maximum size- Maximum size represents the upper limit or the maximum amount of storage space that is allocated to the elastic pool. This limit is set based on the service tier and performance level chosen for the elastic pool. It defines the maximum capacity that the elastic pool can reach.
    • Used space- Used space indicates the actual amount of storage space that is currently occupied by the databases within the elastic pool. It reflects the volume of data stored and helps in monitoring the growth of data over time.
  • Elastic pool databases- Displays all the details related to the databases, including their names, status, CPU usage percentage, Data I/O percentage, Log I/O percentage, and Used space.