Starting or Stopping the Agent Manager Process

The section below describes basic options for running the Agent Manager.

This section covers the following key areas:

The Agent Manager should be installed in a directory that is local to the system. It should also run using a local account, not a network or domain account. This should also include a local user home directory. Because the Agent Manager monitors and detects problems such as network and disk failures, having the Agent Manager installed in a local directory and running it as a local user makes the Agent Manager more resistant to failures in those services and better able to detect and report those failures.

Otherwise, having the Agent Manager installed on a network drive, could cause the Agent Manager to lock itself when the network drive fails, preventing this failure from being reported.

In a default installation, the Agent Manager is installed as a Windows service or a Unix daemon, this process starts immediately after the installation. You can override this default behavior by using the –no-start-on-exit option.

To start the Agent Manager:

  • Navigate to the bin directory of an Agent Manager installation and run the fglam executable.

To restart the Agent Manager:

  • In the Foglight browser interface, navigate to the Agent Managers dashboard, select the Agent Manager host, and click Restart.

To stop the Agent Manager:

  • Navigate to the bin directory of an Agent Manager installation and issue the fglam executable with the –stop option: fglam –stop

To run the Agent Manager as a daemon on UNIX:

  1. Follow the instructions in To install the init.d script.
  2. Navigate to the location in which the init.d script quest-fglam was installed.
  3. Run the script with a required option.
    • To start the Agent Manager daemon, run the quest-fglam script with the start option. For example, (on Linux): /etc/init.d/quest-fglam start
    • To stop the Agent Manager daemon, run the quest-fglam script with the stop option. For example, (on Linux): /etc/init.d/quest-fglam stop

To run the Agent Manager as a Windows service:

  1. Install the Agent Manager as a Windows service.
  2. Launch a command-line window on the Agent Manager machine and navigate to the <fglam_home>/bin directory.
  3. Start or stop the Foglight Agent Manager service from the command-line using a required option.
    • To start the Foglight Agent Manager service, run fglam.exe with the –start-service option: fglam –start-service
    • To stop the Foglight Agent Manager service, run fglam.exe with the –stop option: fglam –stop

Identifying the Agent Manager process

The Agent Manager has different process names on different operating systems.

  • On Windows operating systems, the process name is fglam.exe.
  • On AIX, HP-UX, and Linux operating systems, the process name is Foglight : FoglightAgentManager [Daemon] on <machine_name>.
  • On Oracle Solaris operating systems, the process name is <absolute-path-to-$FGLAM_HOME>/fglam [–daemon].

About platform-specific identification

The Agent Manager determines a unique ID for each system on which it runs, and includes that ID with the data submission from each agent. On some Linux systems, however, the Agent Manager may be unable to determine a unique system ID. In such cases, the Agent Manager does not return any system ID in the data submission.